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Small Firm Growth Assessment

Having worked exclusively with law firms for 30 years, we’ve assisted thousands of firms in making dramatic leaps in practice growth. As simple as it sounds, the #1 factor in law firms that most inhibits growth is the lack of any substantive business strategy for growth. Many lawyers in small and mid-sized firms remain so focused on their day-to-day client work that it’s said they become relatively successful “in spite of themselves”. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you’ve reached “relative success” but your revenues are flat or even declining, and you’re not sure what to do about it, read on for a practical solution.  If, on the other hand, your firm is operationally sound, you have a solid team, good revenues but there’s just something missing (perhaps you are poised to make the jump from “good” to “great”?), we also invite you to read on.

Regardless of which scenario applies to you, the good news is: experienced, professional assistance is available to you. Instead of spending years of “trial and error” you can follow a proven methodology for real and sustainable growth or, if you’re ready, we can assist you in making the leap to “market leader.” 

The Small Firm Growth Assessment includes expert guidance and recommendations you can implement today to improve your marketing, improve your time management, improve your staffing situation and increase cashflow/firm profitability. The cost is normally $295 (including DISC behavioral assessment), however, we are offering the diagnostic portion at no cost to a limited number of attorneys (offer limited to equity shareholders/owners only - no associates or nonlawyer staff) If you would like to do the DISC behavioral assessment as well, the cost is $65. 

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TO REGISTER for the no cost Small Firm Growth Assessment, schedule online:

If you should have any questions, please contact us at (800)664-1264 or via email: